Staff and board of Directors

André Anthony
Executive Director
André, who lived in Nigeria, Benin and Togo as a child, has spent the majority of his career working in non-profit organizations, including 18 years of diverse experience gained at the YMCA. Prior to joining the Triangle Global Health Consortium, André served as Vice President of Strategy and Mission Advancement at the YMCA of Central New York. André has also been a member of YMCA-USA’s Service Delivery Advisory Council, served on the national steering committee of the Emerging Leaders Resource Network, and on the first United States cohort of Global Change Agents with the World Alliance of YMCAs.
Contact Information:
Board of Directors

Program Manager, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS)

President & CEO, IntraHealth International

CEO, BroadReach

TGHC Treasurer Vice President, Science & Technology Development, North Carolina Biotechnology Center

Associate Dean for Global Health, UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health

Chief Science Officer, FHI 360

Senior Health Systems Strengthening Specialist, RTI International

Executive Director of the Cardiovascular Research Center, Duke University Health System

TGHC Chair Director, Global Health Education and Clinical Assistant Professor, NC State College of Veterinary Medicine

Deputy Director, Duke Global Health Institute

Professor and Director, Global Health, NC State University, College of Veterinary Medicine